Bharti Airtel has introduced a new prepaid plan to attract more users at a lower price point to talk on its competition. This new plan is priced at Rs 195 with a 28 day validity period with a total of 35GB 4G data. This means that the plan offers 1.25GB every day. In addition to internet usage, the plan comes with the usual benefits that we have come to expect that includes unlimited voice calling including local and national calls including roaming. There are no FUP limitations in the plan but it will not come with 100 SMS messages per day benefit.
According to a report by TelecomTalk, Airtel is planning to take on Reliance Jio and Vodafone with this offer as Jio already has a Rs 198 offer while Vodafone offers a Rs 199 plan in this segment. However, the report also noted that this plan also competes with Airtel’s Rs 199 offer while offering more limited benefits in comparison. It is likely that the company has introduced this plan to introduce a lineup of offers that provides 1.25GB 4G data per day at various price points.
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Talking about the availability of the plan, the Rs 195 prepaid plan is only available in select circles including Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Kerala, and others. Another thing to note here is that this plan is not available on the My Airtel app and the only way one can opt for this plan is directly from the Airtel website.
If you are one of the few looking for SMS benefits and don’t mind 1GB of free data per day then you can opt for the Rs 168 prepaid offer from Airtel at it as almost all the benefits that are available in the Rs 195 plan. If you want more data then the Rs 199 prepaid plan will offer you 1.4GB of 4G data every day.