A new report has surfaced on the internet which reveals that multimedia messaging platform WhatsApp has banned “hundreds of thousands accounts” in its attempt to contain misinformation and spam as the elections near in Brazil. This move is likely to ensure that foreign entities or even local parties do not affect the outcome of the democratic process with false news, and misinformation. A spokesperson from the company added, “We have cutting-edge technology to detect spam that identifies accounts with abnormal behavior so that they can’t be used to spread spam or misinformation.”
According to a details report by Bloomberg, the company also went on to add, “We are also taking immediate legal measures to prevent companies from sending mass messages via WhatsApp and have already banned accounts associated with those companies.” Considering the statements by the spokesperson, it looks like the company is taking its job and responsibility seriously. To fight the problems, according to the report, the company has set up a “war room” to spot and remove misinformation, hate speech and any other content that may affect the elections. The report noted that Brazil elections will also work as a ground level test to the upcoming mid-term in the United States.
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Though, the report added that it is “virtually impossible” to monitor WhatsApp messages because of the end-to-end encryption. The company also stated, “We are committed to reinforcing WhatsApp policies equally and in a fair way to protect the users’ experience.”
According to the report, the company added that it blocked the account of Flavio, son of contestant Bolsonaro for spreading spam “a couple of days ago”. In addition, it also blocked the account of the former president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff.