Smartphone maker Nubia recently launched its own gaming phone, called Red Devil Mars, with Snapdragon 845 and 10GB RAM in China. This handset succeeds Nubia’s original Red Magic gaming smartphone, which was introduced earlier this year. And now the company has launched a special edition of the Red Devil Mars called the RNG Edition.
The acronym RNG in the name stands for “Royal Never Give Up” which is the name of a Chinese professional gaming clan that competes in League of Legends’s Pro League, and this smartphone is set to appeal to its huge fan base. The only difference between the RNG and the normal editions of the smartphone is purely asthetic. While the normal edition essentially has a black camo design, the RNG Edition is red in color, and has the signatures of the players of the team on the back. It is priced at around RMB 3,299 for the 8GB RAM variant, and the 10GB RAM variant is priced at RMB 3,888.
Nubia Red Devil Mars RNG Edition: Features and Specifications
The second-generation gaming smartphone from the former ZTE subsidiary will go up against the likes of Razer Phone 2 and Xiaomi Black Shark Helo. Powering the smartphone is Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 845 SoC, paired with an insane 10GB of RAM. There’s also 256GB of onboard storage included in the mix.
Being a gaming smartphone, Nubia Red Magic Mars Edition comes with some unique features that are specifically targeted at gamers. One of them is the ‘4D shock feedback’, which provides vibration courtesy of a linear motor. In addition, there’s also DTS 7.1 surround sound for an enhanced audio experience, and liquid cooling.
However, the highlight of the Nubia’s new gaming smartphone is a pair of dedicated hardware buttons placed on the side of the frame. Combined with on-screen controls used by most mobile games, these allow four-finger control, somewhat mimicking the experience provided by dedicated game controllers. The smartphone’s design has all the elements you’d expect from a mobile gaming device, including everything from a hexagonal rear-camera lens to a vertical strip with customizable RGB lighting running across the middle of the device’s back panel.