PUBG Lite tips: These 5 places on Erangel have the highest loot

The newest version of the most popular battle royale game of the world PUBG is PUBG Lite. Today we are here to share a few PUBG Lite tips that will help players in the long run. The oldest and the most popular map in the game is still Erangel, and it is a pretty big map. There are many places to land on the map but not all of these have the same concentration of loot. There are different tiers of areas based on the loot they offer. Usually its the bigger cities and areas that offer the most loot. But there are certain smaller areas as well with great loot potential. Today we will be telling you about five spots on the map that have the most loot. But beware where there is more loot, more people tend to come as well.

PUBG Lite tips for best looting areas

Sosnovka Military Base

This is probably one of the most popular places for people to land, because it offers excellent amount of loot. And it is not just the amount of loot that can be found here, but the quality as well. Military Base usually has some tier 3 loot to offer along with snipers and high powered scopes. Military Base is a large place that has been spread out into different areas. A lot of people usually land here but the vast area with buildings help survive.


And now we move on to one of the most popular spots on the map, Pochinki. This region is so popular that it has inspired memes and even tee-shirts. Pochinki is the city that is bang in the center of the map. It has a lot of loot and the possibility of always being inside the first circle. This was an easy pick for the PUBG Lite tips because it has a lot of buildings where people can hide out. But be careful, this is probably the most popular landing spot on the map.


This city that is on the north-west side of the map is spread out into two halves. North Georgopol is abundant in large buildings with great loot while South Georgopol is filled with containers. Containers in PUBG offer some of the most loot in the game. These have potential for tier 3 items as well. South Georgopol is more popular among the two places because it is easier to loot.

Yasnaya Polyana

Yasnaya is another large city on the map where people can get great loot. It is located in the central eastern side of the map and consists of many large buildings. This is a semi popular area and some people come here, but not a lot. But the loot available here is excellent and there are a lot of large buildings to get easy loot.


Novorepnoye is on the southern island of the map on the eastern corner. This is a dock and is filled with containers and open garages. It offers some of the best loot in the game and abundantly. But Novo is in the corner of the map and chances are that it will be outside the first circle most of the time. Hence land here and be quick about looting.

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Bonus locations

Some other places to get some great loot are Severny, Lipovka, Primorsk and Prison.