PUBG update 5.2 with Spike Trap, PUBG Labs and Vikendi update live on main server today

The new PUBG update 5.2 which adds more features to Season 5 of the game is going live on the main PC server today. It adds a lot of first time features to the game. One of the most unique things that are being added to the game this time is the Spike traps. Besides this there is the new PUBG Labs where players will be able to play experimental modes that are in the making. PUBG‘s snow map, Vikendi is getting some love from the developers and they are changing things up a little bit to make it more player friendly. And on top of that Vikendi is being made more Sniper friendly. The update was on the test server up until today, and is going live on the main server today, after the server maintenance is completed.

PUBG update 5.2: Details

Spike Trap

Spike Traps puncture the tires of any vehicle that runs over the strip of spikes. A Spike Trap can only damage one vehicle before it disappears. Spike Traps puncture the tires of vehicles, but do not damage overall vehicle health. Spike Traps are spawned at rates consistent with other throwables across all maps. Once a Spike Trap is laid, it cannot be picked back up.


PUBG Labs is a space where we introduce to you experimental in-game features and collect your feedback to perfect them as permanent game additions. Players can find PUBG Labs in the menu under the Play button. PUBG Labs will continue to be updated with new content. Skill Based Rating is the current experimental feature being tested through PUBG Labs, tracking your skill and assigning you a rating based on your match performances.

Vikendi Update

New roads have been added to reduce the difficulty of moving through certain snow-covered areas of Vikendi. Along with the roads added, the amount of vehicles across the map have increased and locations adjusted. The river around Castle has frozen over to allow players to navigate that area more easily. A few of Vikendi’s towns were seldom visited due to complex structures or not enough loot. These have been amended by the devs.

Way Point feature

The Way Point feature has been added to allow you to make strategic plans for the routes you take. You can place up to 4 points per group of Way Points.

Auto attachment feature

A new feature has been added that automatically equips your weapon with the attachments you pick up. Players can choose from 3 types of auto attachment options. When players switch your weapon with a new weapon on the ground, all the attachments equipped to the old weapon will automatically move to the new one.

There are a host of other changes as well this time and all those can be found on the full patch notes here.