OnePlus announces new Bug Bounty program with HackerOne to offer rewards up to $7000

OnePlus has announced two new security initiatives to better protect users from cyber threats. Last year, in a security breach, OnePlus’ system had exposed the credit card details of few customers. It didn’t stop there, and this year, in another security breach, a few customers’ names, emails, and shipping addresses were exposed.

Now to keep things secure, OnePlus has partnered with HackerOne, a renowned hacker-powered security platform. The company has also announced new OnePlus Security Response Center, which will offer a bug bounty to security experts who discover and report on potential threats. Depending on the level of potential impact, the reported bug reward would be as high as $7,000.

“The global OnePlus Security Response Center will engage academics and security professionals to responsibly discover, disclose and remediate issues that could affect the security of OnePlus’ systems, and will help OnePlus proactively counter potential external threats to user security. Security researchers around the world can proactively search for and report OnePlus-related security issues through the new bug bounty program. Rewards for qualifying bugs reports will range from $50 to $7,000, depending on the potential impact of the threat,” noted OnePlus in its announcement on Thursday.

With HackerOne partnership, the company is looking to gain insight from top security researchers, academic scholars, independent experts and more. The HackerOne collaboration will start as a pilot program, inviting select researchers to test out OnePlus’ systems against potential threats. A public version of the program is slated to go live later in 2020.

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“OnePlus truly values the privacy of all information our customers entrust to us,” said Pete Lau, CEO and Founder of OnePlus. “The two projects demonstrate OnePlus’ commitment to protect our users’ data through more secure systems and data lifecycles.”