Windows 10X to get Modern Standby feature to help laptops wake up quickly

Windows laptops are notorious for taking their own sweet time to wake up from sleep. Even if you are running a pro-level computer with high-end specifications, there’s always some delay noticeable while waking it up. Compared to Chrome OS laptops as well as MacBooks, this is genuinely saddening and there are surely a bunch of people who would want their Windows laptops to boot up quickly. Thankfully, Microsoft heard our requests and is now baking the same.

A report from Windows Latest suggests that Windows 10X will now get a new feature by the name of Modern Standby, which as it suggests, puts the system to standby like modern mobile devices. The feature will only be available in Windows 10X devices as well as desktop PCs, and should help in waking up the laptop faster once the PC is woken up. This feature is helpful especially when you consider always-on PCs and their 24 x 7 availability, similar to a smartphone.

Windows 10X to wake up quickly like a smartphone

For the uninformed, Windows 10X is Microsoft’s upcoming operating system for always-on PCs, or connected PCs as most people know. With Modern Standby, the laptop will remain connected to cellular or Wi-Fi, and keep updating the status of the apps in the background. That means, the laptop could notify you as soon as it receives a new email, even if the lid is closed.


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Apps will update themselves and once you lift the lid, you don’t have to wait for the PC to respond. The computer always stays on, just like a smartphone. With Windows 10X, all the apps downloaded from the Microsoft Store will enjoy the benefits. That means the UWP apps (Windows apps that work universally on all Windows 10 laptops), as well as the Progressive Web Apps (PWA), will stay connected to the internet.

Windows 10X will be released around June 2021 and should enable a new generation of connected laptops. We could see several OEMs coming up with ARM-based Windows devices making utmost use of advanced features set to be announced with Windows 10X. As of now, it is only Apple that has started making a transition to the ARM-powered laptops with this year’s MacBook Air and MacBook Pro, courtesy of the M1 chip.