[Expanding Accessibility with Samsung] ③ TVs for Everyone!

A television is a portal that can connect us to the world. As the amount of diverse content users have access to continues to grow, the range of entertainment they can access through their TVs is also expanding. Yet despite this innovation, for those who are hard of hearing, the deaf, people with low vision and the blind, accessing basic TV features like sound controls and screen settings can still prove challenging.


In the final installment of this series, we look at how Samsung TVs and their array of exclusive accessibility features are seeking to provide an equal viewing experience for all. Check out the webtoon below to see how four friends make use of the accessibility features on a Samsung TV to all enjoy the viewing experience together.

* The SeeColors app is available for download from the Smart TV App store. This app is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease or medical problem. Any information found, acquired or accessed through this app is made available for your convenience and should not be treated as medical advice.