Unable to find COVID-19 vaccine slot? These real-time trackers alert when a slot is available near you

The government of India has started vaccination for COVID-19 for people between the age of 18 years and 44-years. While the registration for COVID vaccine is now open, people are finding it difficult to book a vaccine slot. You can get COVID-19 vaccination appointment via CoWIN portal or https://www.cowin.gov.in/.

While the process of registering for COVID vaccine is simple, getting a slot is extremely difficult in India. To help people of the country, several developers have introduced real-time trackers that send alert when a vaccine slot is available nearby. It should be noted that, while these trackers send notification when a slot is available, to register you will still need to head over to CoWIN portal.

You must know that there’s no CoWIN app available as most people think. To register for COVID vaccine, you can simply head to the CoWIN portal, enter the required details, find a slot and book. Let’s here take a look at trackers that provide real time update on vaccine slot and alert when it is available.

COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker for India

COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker for India developer Amit Agarwal has built an open-source vaccine tracker that monitors the nearby vaccine appointment availability. Once slots are available it sends email alerts, you can then head of CoWIN portal to book your appointment.

-Click on the Google sheet here and ‘Make A Copy’ of it in your Google Drive Select Vaccine Tracker in the menu.

-Tap on the Enable option

-Complete the sign-in process

-Select Go to Vaccine Alerts

-Enter details such as pincode, age, and then and select ‘Create Email Alert’ button.

-The Google Sheet will run this monitor every day and send an email at 8am daily showing vaccine slots available as per area.


Developed by programmer Berty Thomas the Under45.in website helps people aged between 18-44 to find a COVID vaccine slot open vaccination slots nearby. The website specifically doesn’t provide details for 45 years and above. You can head to the page here, enter the state and district and find slots nearby.


ISB alumni Shyam Sunder and friends have developed a website named getjab.in to help users get alerts when COVID vaccination slots are available nearby. It sends email notifications to everyone who signs up for notifications. To sign up for alerts you just need to enter name, district, and email ID. Once that’s done, you’ll get a mail whenever a slot is available nearby.


FindSlot.in is another that helps get alerts when vaccine slots are available nearby. It uses CoWIN open API to allow users to search by their city or PIN code to find the nearest booking for a COVID-19 vaccine. The website notes, “This web app uses CoWin open API to make it easy for you to find slots. Availability changes in real time. So book your slot ASAP using https://selfregistration.cowin.gov.in.”