Apply for Twitter account verification now before it is paused again

Twitter reintroduced the account verification process after pausing it last week. That is right, you can now apply for Twitter account verification and get that blue tick added to your account. The process is extremely simple but ofcourse limited to only a few right now. Head to the Account option on Twitter app to apply for verification.

Last week, Twitter announced to pause the verification process. The microblogging site tweeted, “we’re rolling in verification requests. So we gotta hit pause on accepting any more for now while we review the ones that have been submitted. We’ll reopen requests soon! (we pinky swear).” Earlier today, Twitter announced to restart the verification process again.

How to apply for Twitter account verification

To apply for Twitter verification, you will simply need to head to the account section on the mobile app. If you can’t see the verification request option there, head to Play store or App store and update the app right away.

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If you can see the option, click on verification request and enter all the requires details. Notably, only a specific group of people can apply for blue tick. Twitter has announced six category of users who can apply for account verification. These categories include:


-Companies, brands and organizations

-News organizations and journalists


-Sports and gaming

-Activists, organizers, and other influential individuals

Twitter plans to introduce more categories, possible by late this year. The upcoming categories are said to be scientists, academics, and religious leaders. “We’re also excited to continue expanding the ways people can express themselves on Twitter through their profile and launching new account type,” the company had noted in an official statement.

If you apply for account verification, ensure that your account is active within the last six months and have a record of adherence to the Twitter Rules.