[The People Behind Bespoke ③] How Bespoke Connectivity Is Changing the Home Experience


Samsung’s Bespoke Home vision offers consumers a home that is beautifully designed, full of flexible features, seamlessly connected and inspired by its user. In this third installment of ‘People Behind Bespoke’, Chanwoo Park, Head of Home IoT Business at Samsung Electronics, explains how the Bespoke Home harnesses connectivity between smart devices to enrich and streamline everyday home experiences.


In the Bespoke Home, your appliances come together to create a personalized home experience that is much more than the sum of its parts. Through the connectivity provided by Samsung Electronics’ innovative technologies, your appliances work together to create synergies that maximize convenience and bring something special to even the most basic of everyday routines.



Connected Solutions for a Changing World

Within the connected ecosystem of the Bespoke Home, artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity come together to completely transform the home experience. While AI is leveraged to study usage patterns and give better recommendations, IoT allows your appliances to seamlessly interconnect within your home.


What’s more, with the SmartThings app, a platform that supports thousands of devices across hundreds of brands, the ability to control the way it works is placed directly into the palm of your hand.


In practice, this means your washing machine will remember your favorite cycle and have it ready to go on laundry day. Once you choose what you want to make for dinner, your smart oven will receive the recipe and set itself to the right temperature. Your robot vacuum is even able to recognize your pet, and will send you a video so that you can keep an eye on them even when you’re away from home.



One Step Closer to Creating a Net Zero Home

With the recent rise of energy prices and the growing necessity for greener smart home solutions, Samsung envisaged SmartThings Energy as a way to empower users to be able to control the way energy is used throughout their homes and make smarter, greener decisions at home.


Thanks to the extensive growth of its partnership network, SmartThings Energy is growing into a smart energy management solution able to encompass the energy consumption of every appliance in a home, and even integrates such newer, renewable energy sources as solar.


In the UK, SmartThings Energy is now integrated with nearly 13 million Smart Meters, covering almost half of all UK homes. The service increases household energy IQ by harnessing the power of a smart home platform that analyzes user behavior and empowers users to take action and make a change – whether that change be switching to a new energy provider or garnering more awareness of their carbon footprint through monitoring.



A Whole New Food Prep Routine

Building a weekly meal plan that is varied and contains meals that are both tasty and nutritious can be a big task – and that’s before you actually start looking at what you actually have the ingredients to make.


SmartThings Cooking curates your entire food preparation experience by building weekly meal plans based on your specific tastes, dietary needs and the ingredients you have on-hand. Once your meals are planned out, SmartThings Cooking connects to various food and grocery retailers to order any ingredients you might be missing. When it comes time to cook, SmartThings ensures your range is preheated to the right temperature for the meal you’re preparing.


SmartThings Cooking also puts an end to fumbling for recipes and flipping between apps by bringing all the necessary searching, planning, purchasing and preparation together in one single place. With SmartThings, you can get all your meal planning done from wherever you are on your smartphone – or plan your meals right on the screen of your smart fridge – secure in the knowledge that your planning will be shared and easily accessible across your devices.



Connectivity for Pet Care

In addition to making your life more comfortable, connectivity in the Bespoke Home is now capable of improving the life of your furry friends, too. With its ability to monitor pets and connect to other smart devices, Samsung’s Bespoke Jet Bot™ AI+ and SmartThings Pet allow you to see what your pets are doing in real-time and make the environment more comfortable for them from wherever you are.


While going about its cleaning duties, your Bespoke Jet Bot™ AI+ recognizes when your pet comes into view, starts recording and sends the videos straight to your phone. After receiving these real-time updates, you can then use SmartThings Pet on your phone to adjust the settings on your smart air conditioner, air purifier and lights back home to make sure your pet is as comfortable as possible while you’re away.



Give Your Clothes the Care They Deserve

The clothes we wear every day are important mainstays of our lives, but maintaining sensitive and specialty items can prove complicated, especially given that properly cleansing our garments has become particularly important in the current climate.


SmartThings Clothing Care recommends optimal cycles for the items you’re washing based on material type, your usage patterns, the current season and more. A comprehensive smart wardrobe management system, SmartThings Clothing Care also monitors detergent levels, and can even order more detergent from online retailers when you’re running low.


With SmartThings, your Bespoke AirDresser and smart washer communicate with one another to share information and deliver personalized cycles and settings. Auto Cycle Link then matches the settings on your dryer to your wash settings to ensure your clothes are getting the consistent treatment that is just right for their garment type.



Committed to a Sustainable Bespoke Home Experience

With Bespoke Home, Samsung is dedicating itself to bringing an end to the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach. We have committed to making all of our current and future products IoT-ready in order to realize our vision for a more connected world.


The deep customizability we are delivering with Bespoke Home is present at many different levels of the products that make up the portfolio – from the range of Bespoke colors the products come in to the ways you can tailor their usability to realize your own connected home vision. The Bespoke Home works with you on how you like to cook, how you like the temperature and air in your home and how you like to care for your clothes. When your preferences shift, your Bespoke Home is right there with you, happy to adjust to ensure you are enjoying the highest possible levels of comfort and convenience.


However, in today’s world, convenience alone is no longer enough – our appliances must also find ways to contribute to a more sustainable future. To this end, Samsung introduced SmartThings Energy with the direct purpose of allowing you to monitor your energy information in real-time in order to better manage how energy is being used in your home. In addition to supporting most Samsung appliances, SmartThings Energy is being expanded to a range of other devices and solutions to allow you to make smarter, more environmentally conscious decisions across every aspect of your home and lifestyle.