Twitter has been steadily adding new features to its platform. Earlier this month, Twitter added the ability to share encrypted DMs and use a new Emoji Picker in DMs to its platform. More recently, the company added the ability to send videos that are up to two-hours long on its platform. Now, word is that the company is planning to add two new features to its platform soon.
Twitter boss, Elon Musk has revealed that the platform will soon get two new features that will make watching videos easier.
While responding to a user on Twitter who asked Musk to add 15-second forward and back seek buttons, he said, “Coming next week, along with pic in pic, so you can watch while scrolling”.
The first feature will enable users to skip 15-seconds forward in a longer video, which in turn, will make it possible for them to skim through the contents of a video. It will also make it possible for them to watch a live video easily, especially if they missed out the live-stream the first time around.
The picture-in-picture (PiP) mode, on the other hand, will shrink a video into a small player so users can keep watching the video while using other apps or even scrolling through their Twitter feeds on their smartphones. To put it simply, these new features will enable users to seamlessly watch videos while scrolling through their timelines on Twitter.
Coming next week, along with pic in pic, so you can watch while scrolling
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 20, 2023
As far as availability is concerned, in his Tweet Musk said that both these features will be available to Twitter users next week.
That said, it remains uncertain if these features, that is, the ability to skip a video forward and to watch a video in PiP mode, will be available to all Twitter users or just the Twitter Blue subscribers.
Twitter has been pushing its users to move to Twitter Blue subscription since the past couple of months. The company has not only introduced Blue subscription in countries across the globe but it has also tied Blue and other coloured checkmarks to Twitter Blue subscription. More recently, the company introduced the ability to share up to two-hour-long videos or videos that are up to 8GB in size for Twitter Blue subscribers. It is possible that Twitter does something similar with its upcoming feature, which in turn would make Blue subscription a must have to use Twitter.
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