WhatsApp has dropped a new teaser that hints at the rollout of one of the most-demanded features: the ability to edit messages. The video WhatsApp shared on Twitter shows typos in different words in different languages, followed by edits to correct their spelling. Without mentioning what this feature would be called, WhatsApp has confirmed the ability to edit messages.
Even though the Meta-owned app has not divulged any details, WABetaInfo, which keeps track of WhatsApp-related developments, previously spotted the edit feature in beta versions of both Android and iOS apps. The WhatsApp for iOS beta app reportedly featured the ability to edit messages.
Folks at WABetaInfo found that the edit feature allowed users a window of 15 minutes to make edits to sent messages. Once the duration is over, editing messages will not be possible. The edit messages functionality is time-bound like the delete messages feature. During the first 15 minutes, users will be able to make as many edits as possible. To access the option, a long tap or double tap will be needed.
Not the first, though!
The ability to edit sent messages is not new to chat apps. WhatsApp rivals Telegram, Signal, and even iMessage offer the ability to edit messages, so definitely the chat app is late to the party. The edit messages option in each app is different. Although previous reports have hinted at the functioning of the edit feature, it is unclear whether WhatsApp will offer a log of edits made to a particular message within the 15-minute limit.
In the past, WhatsApp introduced several new features that are commonly found in other chat apps. More recently, the Meta-owned app launched the individual chat locking option for users. In addition to an app-level lock facilitated by the phone’s biometric system, WhatsApp now lets you lock individual chats using the same biometric authentication system. This means Android users can unlock chats through their fingerprints, while iPhone users can use both Touch ID and Face ID to unlock chats within the app. The app has also introduced the feature to move chats between Android phones without needing to back up data to Google Drive. A migration tool will let you transfer chats using a cable.
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