How to add WhatsApp contacts using QR codes

WhatsApp has now made it easier to add new contacts for its users with QR codes. The method bypasses the tedious method of inputting the number and the name of a new contact to send them a message. WhatsApp QR codes can be created and scanned from both Android and iOS in a few simple steps. Here we will be taking a look at how you can create and scan QR codes using your smartphone.

How to create/scan WhatsApp QR codes on Android

  • Open WhatsApp and tap on the three dots located on the top right corner.
  • Tap on the ‘Settings’ option.
  • Inside the setting’s menu, tap on the QR code option located on the right side of your Name.
  • There you will see two options: My Code and Scan Code
  • You can share a screenshot of the My Code page or make somebody else scan it to get your contact.
  • You can use the Scan Code page to open the QR Code scanner, to scan others’ WhatsApp QR code.
  • Once the code is scanned the contact gets added to WhatsApp.
  • If you have a screenshot of the code, you can tap on the gallery icon inside of the Scan Code page, where you can then select the code to scan it.

How to create/scan WhatsApp QR codes on iPhones

  • Open WhatsApp and tap on the Settings tab at the bottom.
  • Tap on the QR code that appears next to your name.
  • Inside of the QR code screen tap on if you want to show your QR code, or do you want to scan a code.

If you feel that your WhatsApp QR code is circulating a lot and is getting into the hands of people you cannot trust. You can simply reset your QR code by heading into the My Code page and tapping on the three-dot icon at the top right corner. There you can select the Reset QR code option. This will then void your earlier QR code and you can then start sharing the new code generated for you.